The Board of Directors appointed by the Shareholders via the AGM. Currently the Board of Directors amounting to two people consisting of one director and one director of finance. Appointment of Directors is made for a term and may be reappointed.
The Board of Directors is responsible for managing the company in accordance with the vision and mission that has been outlined with the aim of achieving business results that have been set.
In the process of achieving the objectives of the Company, the Board of Directors conduct regular meetings to coordinate the establishment of the next steps after the evaluation and discussion. Directors also undertake joint meeting of the Board of Commissioners and the Audit Committee or the Internal Auditor.
Kristian Pudjiadi (61 years old)
President Director
Got a Bachelor of Science in 1981 from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. Appointed as President Director of the Company since 2001 after previously serving as the Vice President Director.
Ariyo Tejo (55 years old) Director
Graduated from Faculty of Economy Universitas Indonesia in 1992 and got a Master’s degree in Finance in 1995 from University of Dallas, Texas, USA. Obtained Chartered Accountant (CA) certification in 2018 at PPAK Perbanas Institute. Started career at The Jayakarta Group as Investment Director at Twin Sixties Inc., USA in 1993-1996. Appointed as Director of the Company since 2001.